Book Publishing Tips for Self Publishing
What are Banned Books?
The final week of September is Banned Books Week. This is a time to celebrate freedom of speech while investigating the causes behind censorship. Banned Books Week invites us to not only read banned books, but to delve deeply into them and to ask questions. Every year there seems to be more and more books…
Read MoreNew to Self-Publishing? Here’s What to Know
As a first time self-publisher, you’re bound to have questions. The self-publishing process can seem overwhelming to someone who’s unfamiliar with it. That’s why DiggyPOD has this blog – to close the gap between author (and therefore publisher) and printer. We aim to be a complete publishing guide. But too often on the blog we…
Read MoreSelf-Publishing a Book with DiggyPOD
There’s a lot of information and options online for self-publishing a book. With countless options for self-publishing companies, how do you know you’re getting the very best deal? Publishing isn’t something to take lightly; whatever you’ve been working on, be it memoir, fiction, nonfiction, or poetry, it should be published with the utmost care and…
Read MoreWriting Realistic Book Characters
Countless book characters, over time, have become almost like friends to those who read their pages. From the first books read to children by their mothers, to the first book someone dubs their favorite, book characters, if written well, have the potential to change lives.
Read MoreWhat is a Prologue?
When writing a book, there may be certain aspects that are foreign to the author, especially if they’re a first-time self-publisher. One of these is the prologue. You’ve no doubt encountered prologues before, while reading other books. Prologues are always at the onset of the novel, and they read like any other chapter, but they’re…
Read MoreHow to Edit: Going from a First Draft to Second Draft
Self-published authors need to know how to edit their drafts. Just like there can be no book unless you write it, there can be no good book unless you edit it. No one writes perfect drafts. Sometimes it can take multiple tries to get it right. Each draft is going to get you closer to…
Read MoreWriting from Home: Tips to Help Self-Publishers Keep Active
A lot of self-published authors may find themselves, more often than not, writing from home. Whether this is through a site where you get paid for creative writing, freelance work, or working on their soon-to-be-self-published novel, these writers will find inspiration, or a lack thereof, within the confines of their home. It can either be…
Read MoreA Good Title is Hard to Find
Book titles are one of the first things the reader will notice about books. Your self-published novel should have a dynamic title. It should intrigue, invite, and make a promise to the reader. Finding your book title is difficult, however: there’s a lot of pressure to get it right.
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